H.S. 3-E S.Y. 2010-2011

E…hhmmm..elephant? egg? evil? ekk-ek?<— wth!!!?? -.-

Haha…I was just playing around with words using my section this year as the first letter. Our batch have been totally reshuffled this year and some have been really worried of being dumped in a section wherein they don’t really feel at ease in.

I was part of that “some” in our batch at first. I didn’t want to have new classmates because I thought that it would be really bothersome to have to introduce yourself all over again and to start a new relationships while some are already in progress.(<— I’m directing at friendship/enemy relationships here..lol) I also didn’t want to be classmates with some of those people in our batch whom are off(in my opinion and based on my experiences really..). In short, I hated the idea of reshuffling!

While the summer days are slowly passing each day, I had the chance to think things over a bit and the it hit me. I had the realization that after 16 years of having the same batchmates, I still don’t know every one of them. I only knew those people whom I’ve been in the same class with in the past, those part of my swimming team and those whom I’ve had a chance to spend some time with. :))

I’ve always thought that I’m a socialite because I can really talk to anyone anytime, but now I realized that I still got work to do before I can have that title!! lmao..Besides, its really good to have new sets of friends because this way you’ll be able to get to know people better. My anxiousness faded away quickly with these thoughts and now I’m okay with belonging with any class this year!

A short message to those students who are afraid of belonging to a new class:

You’ll be okay!! Don’t shy away from your new classmates!!Don’t try to be someone you’re not.. Make new friends who’ll accept you for being you, and live your teenage life to the max.!!

Much Love,



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